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Centrali a larga banda - Meccanica in pressofusione-80275A2.jpg

High power wide band head-ends. Characterized by the "black" die-cast mechanics equipped with internal separators for the improvement of input signals shielding and of the amplification stages. Top performances: linearity, gain (up to 45 dB), output level (126dBµV*) and excellent noise figure. All models are supplied with an external switching-type power supply and equipped with internal dip-switches to activate the remote power supply on the inputs. The versions with B.IV and B.V inputs can be requested with customized cut-off frequency. The range has been widen with “UHF Only” models, i.e. without VHF inputs. These new items, which differ in gain and number and type of inputs, are easily identifiable thanks to new descriptive coding type (series-inputs-gain).
All products are perfectly compatible with new DTT signals and, thanks to the integrated filter, with new channeling limited to the E48 channel, dictated by the assignment of the 700 MHz (5G) band to mobile telephony.


switching power supply for 'Black Line' Series
Centrali a larga banda - Meccanica in pressofusione-80275A2.jpg
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