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Mobile signal amplifier manufacturers

Mobile signal amplifiers

Gsm signal repeater manufacturers

Italian leading manufacturers of GSM signal repeaters and 4G signal boosters

Mobile phone outdoor antennas

As mobile signal amplifier manufacturers, we design and produce kits for the reception of phone signals. These systems are devices that extend a cellular signal inside those buildings where there is not an adequate coverage due to long distance from the telephone transmitter or to the shielding of the building.

The passive connection is a bi-directional repeating system of a GSM/UMTS signal that is not amplified and composed of 2 dual band antennas (one indoor, one outdoor) and a 50 Ohm headed connection cable.

The use of this kit is recommended only when there’s a strong outdoor signal and when you need to cover a small indoor area. The outdoor directional antenna, placed on the roof, receives the available mobile signal and broadcasts it to the indoor antenna that spreads it in the indoor area.

Active GSM and UMTS kit

This kit is ideal to cover large areas like offices, warehouses, shops, restaurants, etc. It can manage both voice signals (GSM) and data (UMTS) providing a bi-directional amplifier booster that allows a good extension of the coverage.

In order to choose the right kit it is recommended that you undergo a pre-analysis considering the power of the received outdoor signal and the area to cover. The kit comes with a dual band amplifier, power supply, an outdoor high gain directional antenna, an indoor wall patch antenna and 2 coaxial cables with assembled connectors.

4G signal boosters manufacturers
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