Medium power wide band head-ends, characterized by the "white"protective shell in shockproof plastic which contains the die-cast amplifier and the integrated switching power supply. All models are equipped with internal jumpers to activate remote power supply on input connectors. Top level technical features: linearity, gain (up to 40 dB) and output level (up to 124dBµV*). Some models are equipped with internal separators to offer a better internal shielding between input and output. “UHF Only” models, with UHF only inputs and different gain values, are easily identifiable thanks to new descriptive coding (series-inputs-gain).
Versions with B.IV and B.V inputs can be requested with customized cut-off frequency.
All products are perfectly compatible with new DTT signals and, thanks to the integrated filter, with new channeling limited to the E48 channel, dictated by the assignment of the 700 MHz (5G) band to mobile telephony.