The Matrix series is a “Made in Italy” multiswitch range with Legacy outputs, coming from our multi-year experience in the realization of professional systems for the satellite signal distribution. The version with 4 inputs (SAT VHVH) includes models with 4 and 8 active outputs (for 4 and 8 users) and pass-through outputs for the riser column, while the version with 5 inputs (SAT VHVH + TV) features the active 4-output model with TV mix (for 4 users) and pass-through outputs for the riser column. The compact-sized mechanics is made of galvanized sheet metal with F connectors. The last multiswitch in a cascade system (or the only one if it is a single multiswitch system) can also be used as a terminal component if equipped with isolated termination resistors (code 80314C). Using plug-in connectors code 80315ME, you can merge multiple multiswitches to form a central head-end with the desired number of outputs. The power to the LNB and multiswitch is provided directly by the connected receivers. The installation of complex systems may require accessories such as injector code 80294J, column splitter code 80294D, column tap code 80294E and line amplifier code 80294A or 80294AT3.