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Home / Hardware / U-bolts, clamps and thimbles / Various articles

Accessories for the installation of TV antennas: ropes, tie rods, guy-rings and insulators allowing the best firmness of the antenna cable.
Other accessories are brackets for the anchorage of masts for TV or SAT antennas and insulators for the fixing of cables onto the wall.


412UCZFReinforced “8” shaped universal u-bolt. With 60mm spacer.Ø 35÷80 mm palo20Indicato per l'accoppiamento di 2 pali, anche di diametro diverso, a 90°.
412UZBSimple U-bolt in galvanized steel with 2 holes.Ø 30÷50 mm palo10Suitable for the wall fixing of masts of various diameter.
412ULZBCavallotto a "8" universale rinforzato. Con distanziale 60 mm.Ø 30÷50 mm palo20
412BZB Cavallotto semplice in acciaio zincato con 2 fori.
Double U-bolt.
Fixing wire grip.
Ø 35 mm1 Indicato per il fissaggio a muro di pali di vario diametro.
Suitable for coupling 2 masts also with different diameters. If necessary, they can also be used by pairs.
Trailing clamp for the fixing of the tension rod.
412EZBØ 50 mm1
413ZBØ 25 x 25 mm palo50
413BZBClamp for wire rope with nuts.Ø 25 x 35 mm palo50Trailing clamp for the fixing of steel tension rods.
620ZBMorsetto per fissaggio fune.Ø 3.5÷6 mm fune50Morsetto terminale per il fissaggio del tirante.
622ZB Morsetto blocca-fune con bulloni.
Aluminium alloy double clamp for V/H mast mounting.
Double steel clamp for V/H mast mounting.
1/8" - Ø 3÷4 mm50 Morsetto terminale per il fissaggio di tiranti in acciaio.
Suitable for the polarizing of a TV aerial or to combine more TV aerials.
623ZB1/4" - Ø 5÷6 mm100
624ZB5/16" - Ø 7÷8 mm50
625ZBBalcony brackets for mast.

*100-piece bag.

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