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Expansion brackets

Home / Hardware / Brackets to embed in a wall / Expansion brackets

These are supports for the masts of TV and SAT antennas to be fixed to the wall by the dowel they are endowed with.
The difference among the models is length determining the mounting stand-off of the mast from the wall.


codedescriptionlength A + BØ mastthicknessfinishpackinguse
403Light wall bracket.12+14 cm25÷45 mm3 mmPZ50Suitable for fixing of masts for TV aerials or, according to the model, of small Ø dishes. Wall-embedded end.
405 Zanca a muro leggera.
Pair of wall bracket.
33 x 3.0 cm25÷50 mm4 mmPZ40 Per il fissaggio di pali per antenne TV o, secondo il modello, di parabole di piccolo diametro. Terminale murato.
40823 x 3.0 cm25÷50 mm4 mmPZ50
409FAWall bracketWall expansion bracket equipped with anchor-bolt M10.L= 0 cm4 mmZB25Suitable for the fixing of masts for small diameter dishes and for TV aerials on plain walls without differences in height.

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